Superfight Card Game
Set your hero on the stage, and argue why they'd win the fight. Perfect for game night or a rainy day, the Superfight Card Game will provide tons of fun with family or friends. This deck is split between character cards and powers and weaknesses cards, which are then use to create the most ridiculous fights. Superfight is a card game that comes in a small box, similar to Cards Against Humanity. In the box, you’ll find: 160 character cards (white) 340 weaknesses and power cards (black) To get started, you’ll need to separate your character cards from your attributes and place them into separate piles.

Start with two decks of cards: CHARACTERS (white cards) and ATTRIBUTES (black cards). Invariably your cards will be all mixed up so go ahead and sort that out.
One player starts by drawing three white cards and three black cards and keeps them, like his/her nonsense opinions, to him/herself. A second player does the same.
Each player chooses one white card and one black card from their hand to create a fighter and places those cards face down and discards their remaining cards.

Superfight Skybound

Superfight Card Game Review
Next, both players turn over their cards with maximum dramatic tension to reveal their fighters. Laughter occurs. Each player then draws a random black card from the deck and adds it to their fighter. More laughter.

Embrace the hand life has dealt you and argue why your fighter would win the fight. Your friends/future arch rivals vote for a winner and he/she takes home the point and takes on a new challenger. What happens in the event of a tie? Uh… SMOKE BOMB! Just kidding. Check the full rules, we’ve thought of virtually everything. I say “virtually” because we almost certainly have forgotten things. Like where our keys are… Or our dignity. Am I right?